Freya is a rabbit i rescued from a breeder that sadly was no longer able to care for her bunnies.
By the time i bought Freya home, she was suffering badly with G.I statis and bloat. She also had mites which I treated with ivermectin spot on.

Bloat can be deadly to rabbits so i immediatley started her on Panacur suspension, Infacol; simeticone and hydrating fluids containing protexin professional soluable probiotics.

Infacol was the main medicine for treating her bloat along with abdomenal massage every couple of hours to help release build up gas.

I also put her onto a timothy hay diet. Then fibreplex.
Within a couple of days Freya was pooing a lot more regulaly and the droppings were looking much better.

She also seemed to be in considerable pain due to the bloat but almost as soon as the infacol treatment has started, she seemed to show pain relief. She also seemed a lot more active and mobile after abdomenal massage.

She doubled in weight in one week but her stomach felt doughy indicating dehydration and her abdomen was still descended.
I took Freya to a rabbit savy vet 10 days after collecting her. With rabbits one doesnt want to go overboard with drug treatments too soon and a chance on a good diet with the correct initial medicines is usually most practical. 
At the vets she was given a shot of metoclopramide to encourage more substancial bowl movement.
I was informed to continue as i have been treating her and keep close observations.

Since the jab Freya has lost a few grams which is minimal and to be expected as she is depositing built up faeces from her static bowl.
She continues to improve, being very active and given plenty of space.
She is a very loving and gentle rabbit who really seems to appreciate the care she is recieving.

I shall update on her progress and Freya will be attending the vets again in a weeks time to check up on her progress.

Tammy was really showing off what a chilled and confident bun she is. She didnt seem at all phased by the viewing public, she happily muched away on hay and pellets, occassionally climbing up the bars to have a peek at what was going on and coming to me for strokes.
I was very concerned that the show might be stressful for her but I know now shes got the temperament to deal with it, I do wish it wasn't quite such a long day for her though. I found it rather long too admitantly!
Rabbit shows are not ideal for all bunnies in my opinion, if your bunny is especially nervous in a home environment, I believe a show may be a bit too much for a delicate natured wabbit.

Overall myself and family had a very nice day, despite the rain! lol. I learnt a lot and really bent the ear of one judge, poor guy! I now feel I have a much better idea of where I want to go with my breeding plans and that mini lops really are the breed for me!

I still feel that some pet standard bunnies are cuter looking than show bunnies as show rabbits tend to have the extreme traits and all look a little samey. I cant help but love a mini lop with long ears or a butterfly with 'unstandardised' markings! It really isn't all about showing for me and I will always keep both types, pet standard and showing standard.

I think now though that id like to focus on blues, lilacs and fawns/creams. These seem to be very 'new' colours when it comes to mini lops. Id like to think i may be able to produce a butterfly that meets BRC standards too one day :)

To the wonderful people who have rehomed my bunnies, thank you so much for keeping in contact with me and being such great rabbit parents.

This blog page is for you to leave feedback on how your bunnies are getting along, what bunny fun or challanges you have had and if you wish to add to some input on things you have learnt about buns and advice you can pass on to people interested in keeping rabbits :)

You can also inform me and website visitors how my follow up contact has been and what youv'e found most/least useful.

Many thanks,

Emilie x
Please do leave me feedback rearding my website using the link to my guestbook, I'd love to know your views on any information I have provided or if theres anything you feel I should add to my site.
Many thanks for visting! :)

Emilie x

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